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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
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Background of the Study

Floods are widely recognised as one of the most devastating natural phenomena. However, on a global scale, there exist numerous environmental problems and challenges that arise, including but not limited to soil erosion, global warming/climate change, depletion of the ozone layer, drought, desertification, deforestation, oil spillage, water pollution, and waste management, among others (Abdullahi et al., 2022). Nevertheless, floods are unequivocally the most prevalent and extensively encountered among these challenges and concerns. The prevailing concept of flooding entails the inundation of the banks of a watercourse, resulting in the unregulated dispersion of water that surpasses the hydrological capacity of the surrounding catchment area. The occurrence of flooding has been documented by Okorafor et al. (2015). In the study conducted by Danumah, Odai, and Saley (2016), it is posited that a flood may be seen as a natural hazard, similar to drought and desertification, which arises from an excessive hydrological event, namely runoff. Flooding is a highly consequential natural disaster that has the potential to occur in any location worldwide. It is widely recognised as the most widespread and disastrous environmental issue. Preventing floods necessitates the use of preventive measures.

Advocates of indigenous knowledge systems, including scholars in the field of disaster risk management, frequently argue that the indigenous knowledge possessed by local communities can make a substantial contribution to the preservation of human lives and property in the face of adverse effects caused by disasters (Jain et al., 2018; Masinde, 2018; Okoya et al., 2017). The academics contend that it is imperative for authorities to acknowledge and incorporate local knowledge originating from the grassroots level, as it has the potential to assist communities in preempting, alleviating, preparing for, and recuperating from the ramifications of disasters (Ngwese et al., 2018). The local population possesses certain capabilities that have undergone evolutionary development over the course of millennia. These skills and associated knowledge have been subjected to long-term scrutiny, demonstrating their sustainability and efficacy in mitigating disasters and effectively managing risks (Okorafor et al., 2015). There exists empirical data indicating that nations that have effectively handled disasters have also utilised the traditional wisdom of local communities impacted by such events as a strategic approach (Iloka, 2016; Rahman, Sakurai & Munadi, 2016). According to the findings of Danumah et al (2016), the significance of indigenous knowledge lies in its role in enabling the resilience and adaptation of local communities in the Sahel area of Africa amongst the challenges posed by climate change and variability. The utilisation of indigenous knowledge in disaster risk reduction in Nigeria has received limited scholarly attention, maybe due to a lack of awareness of its potential significance.

Nigeria has had a significant influx of all sorts and magnitudes of disasters in recent times (Ajibade and Eche, 2017). Certain regions inside the country, such as Kubwa in Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, have seen the adverse effects of flooding. Disasters, particularly floods, pose a significant risk to the lives and assets of communities residing in regions susceptible to flooding. In addition to incorporating contemporary knowledge and technology into disaster management practises, it is advocated that practitioners adopt a perspective that recognises the significance of incorporating locally derived, indigenous knowledge from community members while addressing natural disasters. Mutasa (2015) asserts that smallholder farmers in Nigeria have long relied on indigenous knowledge as a means of coping with droughts and other adversities in order to ensure their survival. Nevertheless, the comprehensive utilisation of indigenous knowledge has encountered challenges, as this valuable information is frequently marginalised by practitioners in favour of contemporary catastrophe risk reduction expertise. Presently, there is a growing need for the enhanced incorporation of indigenous knowledge held by local communities. This information, which has been passed down through generations, has shown effective in mitigating hazards and minimising the impact of disasters within these communities (Motongoya et al., 2017).

The issue of flooding has become a growing concern in recent years, primarily attributed to climate change, particularly the increased frequency and intensity of rainfall events. Additionally, factors such as rising sea levels, rapid population growth and urbanisation, inadequate awareness of flood risks, insufficient efforts towards flood hazard management in various regions, and the susceptibility and vulnerabilities of large human populations have contributed to this concern (Iloka, 2016). The documented consequences of flooding during the past twenty years have been substantial, resulting in financial losses of tens of billions of US dollars. According to Lawal (2020), the EM-DAT database documents a total of 3700 flood disasters that occurred between the years 1985 and 2014. The aforementioned occurrences resulted in a significant loss of life, primarily concentrated in Asian countries such as China, Thailand, and Bangladesh. Additionally, these events had a detrimental impact on a substantial portion of the global population, primarily manifesting as displacement, loss of life due to drowning, physical harm, transmission of diseases through fecal-oral and rodent vectors, prevalence of vector-borne diseases in tropical regions, and psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress (Abdullahi et al., 2022). This study therefore aims to evaluate the indigenous knowledge pertaining to flood hazard management in Kubwa, located in the Federal Capital Territory of Abuja, Nigeria.

1.2       Statement of the Research Problem

Floods in Abuja has been a recurrent issue in recent years. Abuja being the capital city of Nigeria is vulnerable to flooding due to various factors including rapid urbanization, inadequate drainage system, poor waste management practices. Inadequate drainage infrastructure exacerbate the problem. Many drainage channels and canals in Abuja are poorly designed and inadequate to handle the volume of water during heavy rain fall. When these systems becomes overwhelmed, water accumulate on roads and residential areas causing flash floods. Kubwa, is identified as one of the cities in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja that is susceptible to recurrent flooding (Iloka, 2016) alongside many other locations like Lugbe, Lokogoma, Garki, Wuse, Damagaza, Gwagwa, Nyanya, Galadimawa, Gaduwa, Mpape, Dutse Makaranta, Giri, Yangoji, and Kwaita. Many flood disaster has happened in Kubwa with the most recent one that occurred in Chikakore, Kubwa, Abuja on the 18 of July, 2023 that claimed the life of a motorcyclist at the Chikakore bridge after a heavy downpour. The motorcyclist who struggled with his bike got stuck in an attempt to cross a culvert which led to his demise. The consideration of both identifying potential flood hazards and estimating potential flood inundation is crucial for effective flood risk management strategies.

The proliferation of local and indigenous knowledge and practises aimed at enhancing disaster risk mitigation has witnessed significant growth since the 1970s. Indigenous knowledge systems have been integral to human existence for an extended period, playing a significant role in shaping human-environment interactions. Consequently, this body of knowledge garnered attention and popularity throughout the 1990s within the realm of disaster risk management and its correlation with flooding-related concerns. The use of indigenous knowledge tactics in industrialised nations has proven to be effective in mitigating the impact of disasters, particularly flooding. This approach has resulted in improved emergency response capabilities, leading to the preservation of lives and the reduction of risks (Abdullahi et al., 2022). However, the researcher has noted that indigenes residing in Kubwa have been witnessing disasters stemming from flooding. Despite the existence of the Usuma River, the region is typically arid with limited precipitation. Consequently, several towns in this area are located in low-lying regions, rendering them susceptible to recurrent flooding events.

Consequently, the local population has had significant instances of flooding in previous occurrences, leading to the unfortunate consequences of loss of human life, extensive property damage, displacement of persons. The Nigerian government, along with various partners such as non-governmental organisations, humanitarian organisations has been implementing interventions to address disaster needs. However, these interventions primarily prioritise providing food aid, while neglecting the valuable indigenous knowledge related to disaster prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.

Neglecting indigenous knowledge may result in a restricted comprehension of the local context, encompassing environmental conditions, social dynamics, and cultural practises that impact flood hazards. Additionally, it is plausible that this might result in a decrease in community involvement and a diminished level of confidence in external solutions. Indigenous individuals exhibit a higher propensity to actively engage in endeavours that demonstrate reverence for and integration of their past knowledge. The researcher argues that the failure to include indigenous knowledge in flood management practises in Kubwa contributes to the increased frequency and impact of flooding in the flood-prone region, where human settlements are situated in close proximity to the Usuma River and low-lying areas. Therefore, the primary objective of this study is to assess Indigenous knowledge pertaining to flood hazard management in Kubwa, located in the Federal Capital Territory of Abuja, Nigeria.

1.3       Research Questions

            The following research questions which are in line with the objectives of this study will be answered:

  1. What is the extent of awareness among the indigenous population of Kubwa, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, regarding the occurrence of floods in their locality?

  2. What is the extent of knowledge among the native residents of Kubwa, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, regarding the factors contributing to the occurrence of floods in their locality?

  3. What is the extent of knowledge among the indigenous people of Kubwa, FCT, Abuja regarding the strategies involved in effectively managing flooding in their locality?

1.4       Aim and Objectives of the Study

            The broad objective of this study is to assess the indigenous knowledge in flood hazard management in Kubwa, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria. Specifically but not limited to, other objectives of this study are:

  1. To ascertain the indigenes knowledge about the occurrences of floods in Kubwa, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.

  2. To determine what the indigenes in Kubwa, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, know about the causes of floods.

  3. To evaluate the indigenous knowledge pertaining to flood hazard management in Kubwa, Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja.

1.5       Research Hypotheses

To further assess the findings of this study, the following null hypotheses are formulated to guide the study and it will be tested at 0.05% levels of significance:

H01: The extent of awareness among the indigenous population of Kubwa, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, regarding the occurrence of floods in their locality is low.

H02: The extent of knowledge among the native residents of Kubwa, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, regarding the factors contributing to the occurrence of floods in their locality is low.

H03: The extent of knowledge among the indigenous people of Kubwa, FCT, Abuja regarding the strategies involved in effectively managing flooding in their locality is low.

1.6       Significance of the Study

            The findings of this study will shed a clear light on the concept of indigenous knowledge in flood hazard management. Findings will fill the gap on flood risk reduction in the communities and other areas prone to flood disasters via the adoption of indigenous knowledge of that locality. These findings will enhance better understanding of indigenous knowledge on the measures necessary at flood risk management policy formulation level. It will expose to the government and policy makers the diverse wisdom and experience gained by local communities over generations in managing flooding in their locality, hence paving a way to integrating indigenous knowledge with scientific approaches to enhance the overall effectiveness of flood management strategies.

            Finally, this study will serve as a reference point for scholars and researchers and also contribute to the growing body of knowledge about flood hazard management and the contributions of indigenous knowledge to it.

1.7       Scope of the Study

            Generally, this study focuses on the assessment of indigenous knowledge in flood hazard management in Kubwa, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria. Specifically, this study focuses on ascertaining the indigenes knowledge about the occurrences of floods in Kubwa, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.

           The study further focuses on determining what the indigenes in Kubwa, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, know about the causes of floods,  and evaluate the indigenous knowledge pertaining to flood hazard management in Kubwa, Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja.

            Indigenes Of Kubwa, Fct, Abuja will serve as enrolled participants for the survey of this study.

1.8       Study Area

The area of study for this work is Kubwa in FCT, Abuja, Nigeria.

1.8.1    Origin of Kubwa

Kubwa is a residential district located under the Bwari local government area, situated in the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria. This particular locality constitutes a prominent suburban area situated within the broader metropolitan region of Abuja.

The Kubwa Community, established in 1990, is widely recognised as the largest community in the West African region. The distance between Wuse Market and Kubwa is estimated to be roughly 26 km. The Gbagi people initially inhabited the area, but the Kubwa community underwent significant transformation due to government policies regarding the relocation of the Gwagi people. Consequently, the community became diverse, with the three major ethnic groups (Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo) and various ethnic minorities comprising the primary residents. These residents primarily engage in civil service, business, commercial motorcycle riding, artisanal work, and entrepreneurship (Fola, 2004).

1.8.2    Location of Kubwa

Kubwa is considered to be among the strategically located satellite towns inside the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). The aforementioned location is situated under the administrative jurisdiction of Bwari Area Council, which is one of the six area councils of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). The location is situated within the longitudinal coordinates of 70°18'I E and the latitudinal coordinates of 90°11'I N with respect to the equator. The Kubwa satellite town is situated on the northern outskirts of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), adjacent to the Outer Northern Motorway. The area under consideration is delimited by the Bwari-Aso hill ranges, spanning approximately 4 km in the northern direction. To the east, it is confined by the Dutse Alhaji – Lower-Usuma dam route, and to the west, it is delimited by the Jibi resettlement plan. The total land area is approximately 3,326.29 hectares. The region exhibits predominantly low topography, characterised by gentle undulations and interspersed with scattered rock formations. The elevations vary from 406m in the river basins and 448.8m at the maximum elevations. In general, the entirety of the terrain has a southward slope (Ishaya et al., 2009).

1.8.3    Climate of Kubwa

The climatic classification of Kubwa is tropical. The amount of rainfall in Kubwa during the winter season is much lower compared to the summer season. The climate in question is classified as Aw according to the Köppen and Geiger classification system. The annual mean temperature in Kubwa is recorded to be 26.4 °C or 79.6 °F. The annual precipitation amount is 1643 mm (64.7 inches) (Adakayi, 2000).

Kubwa is located in the northern hemisphere. In this region, the summer season typically spans from late June to early September. The summer season often encompasses the months of June, July, August, and September. The months of January, February, April, May, June, July, September, October, November, and December are commonly recognised as the periods of heightened travel activity.

The Kubwa region has the maximum temperatures, ranging from 37°C to 30°C, throughout the months of the dry season. During the period characterised by increased precipitation, the maximum temperatures exhibit a range of 25.80C to 30.20C. The region exhibits an average annual precipitation of roughly 1391mm and a monthly mean of 118mm (Balogun, 2001).

1.8.4    Population of Kubwa

Kubwa, is a prominent urban centre in Abuja, with a substantial population of 776,298 individuals as reported by the National Population Commission in 2006.

1.8.5    Economic Activities in Kubwa

The development of infrastructure in Kubwa, including roads, markets, and supermarkets, has significantly contributed to the economic activity in the region. This has not only established a solid foundation for the community but has also been achieved at a comparatively reasonable expense. The financial operations of different companies, such as supermarkets, stores, and general markets like Kubwa Market and site 2-phase 1 Market, are influenced by certain drivers. These drivers are associated with the community members who are active in these enterprises. Another contributing factor is the high proportion of inhabitants, almost 60 percent, who are employed as civil servants inside the federal and capital territory government organisations and institutions. The remaining individuals encompass a diverse range of occupations, including entrepreneurs, private security agents, builders of low-cost homes, truck pushers, commercial motorcycle riders, and practitioners in the field of real estate. Furthermore, the impact of cooperative societies and substantial investments made by community members has significantly shaped the financial activity in Kubwa. The cooperative societies' investment flexibilities, which prioritise community interests, serve as significant factors driving substantial financial investments from community members. These flexibilities encompass several practises such as monthly and weekly cash deposits, offering greater interest rates on investments compared to other financial institutions, and more (Fola, 2004).


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